For school classes we have 3 very special offers:
- The Flying Classroom (ca. 2,5h)
- Napoleon, Devils and all kinds of History(s) (1 Tag)
- From the stone age to white gold and much more… (1 Tag)
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We offer the following school programs:

The Flying Classroom
Its name reflexts ist program: We just use the Adventure Gorge as a thrilling classroom, where students discover an Eldorado of barnstorming natural and historical impressions:
While doing a time travel through millions of years, they will meet Romans and Celtic people, enjoy the houses of the Stone age kids, try to make fire themselves at that time and see the Alps being made. We combine all these things with Austrians most beautiful and breathtaking zipline, high above the whitewater of the Salzachriver.
It is a breathtaking half-day program for all ages.

Napoleon, the devil and other kind of (hi)stories
Together with our partner the fortress “Hohen Werfen”, we designed a fascinating day program for students:
On the one hand, we use the Adventure Gorge as a thrilling classroom, where students discover an Eldorado of barnstorming natural and historical impressions: While doing a time travel through millions of years, they will meet Napoleon, the Romans and the Celtic people, enjoy the houses of the Stone age kids, try to make fire themselves at that time and see the Alps being made. We combine all these things with Austrians most beautiful and breathtaking zipline, high above the whitewater of the Salzachriver.

From the stone age to white gold and much more…
Together with our partner the “Salzwelten Hallein” we are proud to offer a program, that transforms school into an adventure playground.
On the one hand, we use the Adventure Gorge as a thrilling classroom, where students discover an Eldorado of barnstorming natural and historical impressions:
While doing a time travel through millions of years, they will meet Napoleon, the Romans and the Celtic people, enjoy the houses of the Stone age kids, try to make fire themselves at that time and see the Alps being made. We combine all these things with Austrians most beautiful and breathtaking zipline, high above the whitewater of the Salzachriver. On the other hand, the “Salzwelten Hallein” give the students the possibility to experience the world of salt interactively. Some scientific problems are still waiting to be solved there.
Optimally designed from the pedagogical point of view, the students will enjoy a technical and historical world at its best.